A new National Public Television cooking show, Ucook! with Chef Bob, debuted at the Tribeca Film Center on March 28. The show was developed by W.J. Deutsch (one of the biggest sellers of wine in the USA) in order to help further promote the use of wine in the home kitchen. Eric on UCook with Chef Bob

W.J. Deutsch’s mission is to make wine approachable, enjoyable and affordable for consumers. Ucook! with Chef Bob is just one of the ways they hope to do this. The show’s goal is to help viewers to understand the pleasures of drinking wine and the range of options for pairing wines with different kinds of food.

The premise of Ucook! with Chef Bob is simple: “With a little knowledge, anyone can cook a fine dining meal at home and pair it with great wines“.

If you’re going to take some wine and food tips, Chef Bob is certainly the guy. Bob Waggoner has spent the past 13 years in Charleston, South Carolina, dazzling locals and tourists with his style of cooking. Waggoner is a classically trained chef, who apprenticed with  a number of French culinary greats. He was the first American chef to own his own restaurant in France, the acclaimed Le Monte Cristo in the village of Moneteau in Burgundy and he is one of the few Americans to be Knighted with the “l’Odre du Mérite Agricole” from the Government of France. Waggoner was also nominated for a James Beard Award in 2001 for Best Southeastern Chef.

Quite a resume, and my brother and coauthor (Eric) got to join in for some of the first shows. You can see Eric the the middle of the panel in the picture (he’s the only guy), click on this link to view a small clip of some shows or you can see more at www.ucookwithchefbob.com.


ps.. Eric… “just have a slice of tofu and shut-up!’