—like any good website—is a work in progress that’s constantly evolving.
I have listened to those of you who’ve emailed, written, called or talked to me at a party or event and given me your impressions of—and suggestions for—improving the site.
Today I’m introducing the first of our major additions, along with one minor one.
Presenting TidBites—tidbits of information.
Think of the TidBites as snippets of easily digestible data—about food, travel, books, contests, events, gadgets, liquors, liqueurs, research, restaurants, wines or happenings that I want to share.
For instance, I’m writing this to you from Marbella on the Costa de Sol (Spain), after enjoying a light seafood meal on the deck of a restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean in Fuengirola. The tender baby squid about an inch or two in size (calamaritos) and sliced boiled octopus (pulpo clasico) they prepared are not worthy of a Bite of the Best—but still worthy of sharing. That’s a TidBite.
The squid ($12) were lightly coated and perfectly fried; the octopus ($15.65) was served atop chunks of potato and sprinkled with a spicy paprika (see photos below)
Just in case you’re in the area and want to try these dishes:
La Caracola, Paseo Maritimo Rey España, Parcela 9 Fuengirola.
My plan is to include a few TidBites each week—with something for everyone.
This week’s topics range from an upcoming contest where each month from now to December you can win a culinary trip to one of four major cities to the $50,000 prize-winning recipe from last month’s National Beef Cook-Off.
As in those included with today’s NewsBite, the type of information each week will vary.
We’ll be posting these morsels on the site as I find and write about them. You can read about them on, register to receive an RSS feed or just wait for your Wednesday NewsBite, as each week you’ll receive links to the latest ones.
Our second new feature is our (or I should say your) Reader Suggestions that include those products that you’ve recommended to us on the site. These are product suggestions from consumers who like the product, not from manufacturers or others representing it. We have not kitchen-tested these items.
Since we’re continually looking for ways to make our site more useful, stay tuned—or subscribed I should say—to see what’s in store for you next.
And keep those emails coming and continue to post your comments on
We are listening.
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