Pay attention to Chelsea Clinton’s recent wedding? No? Me neither. Though I  had no interest in hearing about the overly expensive nuptials, I did think that’s readers might be interested to know about one of the wedding gifts. Glen Elgin Scotch

What do you get your father-in-law when he’s the ex-president of the United States? The same thing you get for any father-in-law to be…. booze! It just so happens that the now famous bridegroom purchased some very expensive Scotch for his very famous Presidential father in law.

Marc Mezvinsky (aka ‘Chelsea’s husband’) placed an order with for 2 bottles of single malt whiskey – Scott’s Selection Glen Elgin 1980 Highland Cask Strength Whiskey and Scott’s Selection Glenrothes 1980 Highland Cask Strength – both from the year Chelsea was born (and yours truly was born).

The first shipment arrived at the groom-to-be’s Rhinebeck address just in time for Friday night’s rehearsal dinner. What more can a father ask for as he walks his daughter down the aisle but a nice buzz?

Now all Bill needs is a nice cigar….
