Our six-person team gathered in the MOMA lobby (Museum of Modern Art) for a scavenger hunt with Watson Adventures. We had 90 minutes to find answers to the 28 questions throughout the museum.

We moved quickly with each team member helping find the answers. Once found, we typed our responses into the online form. We received 5 points for a correct answer and 3 points if we got it after getting a hint.  We got 28 right on the first try; the other two on our second try.  We won the competition, winning only 20% off our next hunt.

Afterward, we headed up to the sixth-floor terrace for a drink and nibble, having to order quickly as they were closing. We shared a lovely bottle of rose Peyrassol Mediterranee 2022 ($46); 4.0 on Vivino.

As we sipped the rosé, we shared the house-made potato chips with caramelized onion dip and their fava bean hummus ($10) with carta di musica crispy crackers.

A perfect respite after the hunt!

MOMA Terrace Cafe
9 West 53rd Street
New York, NY