Last year, for the first time in Kettle Brand chips history, the company allowed potato chip lovers everywhere to channel their inner kettle-fully-loaded-baked-potato-chipsartists in the Create-a-Chip Challenge. Limited-edition Create-a-Chip Kits allowed fans to shake up their own potato chip flavor masterpieces and share their recipes online.

Thousands of entrants rose to the challenge and submitted their recipes. Some of the fan favorites included Summer Sweet Tomato, Garlic Cheese, Potatoes Au Gratin and Curry Ketchup with some of the less-appetizing options including Gingerbread Anchovy, Peanut Butter Cheddar and Cream Soda Accident.

Inspired by the specific outpouring of love for the smoky, cheesy and creamy flavor combos, Kettle Brand cooked up the newest addition to their already extensive collection of potato chips: Fully Loaded Baked Potato.

The fans were clear; triple cheese combos and bacon-inspired smokiness… these bold recipes led to the rich, creamy flavor of Fully Loaded Baked Potato. The chips hit the grocery stores in early 2010, joining past years’ People’s Choice flavors including Spicy Thai, Buffalo Bleu, and Death Valley Chipotle. What does 2011 have in store for us???
