General Mills just launched a website ( to attempt to assist consumer who are looking for gluten-free foods and recipes. I say attempt, as you’ll only learn only about the company’s gluten-free products and using those products in recipes — you won’t learn a thing about living without gluten.

Live Gluten Freely on

The site contains a list of all General Mills gluten-free products and how to identify those product using the ingredient label, plus a mere ten kitchen-tested recipes based on those products. There’s also a newsletter offer, which I’ll bet will only provide you with more info about the company’s gluten-free products and how to use them.

Live Gluten Freely is helpful only for that listing of all the gluten-free General Mills foods and if you’d like to make a dessert or snack using one of them. So far, all ten recipes are for desserts (Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownie Ganache Torte with Raspberries) or  snacks (Chex-Ginger-Honey-Crunch, Chex-Apple-Almond-Bars).

That said, at least the website is somewhat of a tool to help those looking for information on gluten free foods. It could be a better tool if it also included non-product promoting recipes and actual info about living without gluten.

– bonnie