“FoodPop is like Facebook for the food world” says Saveur’s Editor-in-Chief James Oseland.FoodPop

FoodPop claims to be revolutionizing the way people share food online. Their new beta-site is by invitation only. Now, I don’t know much about how it works yet (I’m just playing with it now as well), but I will give them credit for one thing, they’ve got good taste ;)The people at FoodPop are apparently big fans of our blog, so they’ve sent a group of invitations to us for our BiteoftheBest.com readers to join their new site. Get ready for your sneak peak at what they’re up to, but you better hurry as we only have 50 invites!

Join the FoodPop(ulation) where people who love all things food unite to interact with other food lovers, share photos, videos, recipes and delicious experiences.

If you’re interested in joining, be one of the first fifty readers to enter our exclusive code “BestOf” at www.FoodPop.com. Be sure to come back and post comments, we’d love to hear what you think!