Dassant baking mixes, made with premium ingredients, are easy to make, versatile in recipe offering and have been around for over 30 years. The mixes are available in a variety of options including: beer bread, brownie mix, vanilla cake mix, vanilla scone, pumpkin bread, banana bread, gingerbread mix, pound cake mix, apple cake mix. Dassant baking mixes are available for sale online and through the Bite of the Best shop.
Dassant Baking Mixes
By Eric from BiteoftheBest.com|2017-08-31T14:01:19-04:00November 23rd, 2010|Food & Drinks, xyz misc|2 Comments
Hi, I have been looking for a while for the Dassant baking products, I know them, do you sell them?
Why did you stop making the cinnomon bread mix? It ws the very best!