Odds ‘n ends posts about things happening in NYC area , plus leftover posts from original BIte of the Best site
NYC Installations: Bombora House, Gansevoort Plaza, NYC
My walks to art installations took me to Gansevoort Plaza to see Bombora House, the colored-glass piece by Brooklyn-based sculptor Tom Fruin made possible through the NYC Department of Transportation’s Public Art Program. It's a large illuminated, stained glass-like house surrounded by smaller house-shaped sculptures. “Bombora refers to a large wave with its own frequency. Surfers will wait for the bombora to roll in. It’s a large wave at the end of a set of waves, same rhythm, different frequency or same frequency, different rhythm. It brings the fish in!” explained neighborhood resident and artist Melinda Brown in the art's promotion. Fruin’s Bombora House represents the wave of cultural and [...]