Very interesting that DiGiorno is also a KRAFT product. I love the fact that Roger Ro included a link to photos, so I am doing to same. I took these photos in mid November; they were probably purchased a month or two before that because I used to buy 20 at a time when they went on sale. We have a big freezer, so I used to stock up. Not any more! These photos actually show two different pizzas; at the time I figured there’d been a problem on the production line, but I now realize this is their new recipe. This is Kraft’s idea of quality.
Okay! I started a group on facebook. If you are facebookers, just do a search for “Bring Back Original Recipe California Pizza Kitchen Frozen Pizza.” Please join! I also posted a comment on CPK’s facebook page, as others in this group have done. Let’s make a ruckus!
January 19, 2010 at 9:32 pm
California thin crust frozen pizza was a great product.
Then they changed the crust from a very thin chewy recipe
to a thicker more crumlby kind – horrible.
Roger Ro
January 20, 2010 at 3:27 am
Hi again all.. Just want to mention that I’ve been directly contacted by CPK and Kraft. Everyone should know that they do understand there is a problem with the CPK thin crust pizza. They indicated that there WAS a change to the pizza and they want to bring the pizza back to the same level it was before. It was a general conversation, so I don’t have details of what they will do or the timing. Seems a bit strange that a Rep from CPK doesn’t post directly here and on Facebook to fill us in. Anyway.. A little frozen pizza doesn’t really matter much in the scheme of things. I think they will be contacting me again, so will post more as I know it. Hope everyone has been able to contribute to the relief efforts for Haiti. Pizza’s aren’t so important.. Peace.. 🙂
Susan Prospere
January 20, 2010 at 11:50 am
Michelle at CPK says Kraft will call me. They keep saying they will change back but I can get no real confirmation, i.e., when, how, etc. I know it’s a small thing but with OCD, I ate them almost every night after I had chemo for about two years. I agree about perspective, however. It’s just a diversion. Don’t forget the animals in Haiti also. There are relief efforts for animals as well.
Bruce Nie
January 23, 2010 at 9:12 pm
Well, I am glad to find out that it is not me. A recent purchase was just plain BAD, so I chalked it up to a bad batch, but subsequent pizzas were worse, less cheese – tasteless crust -non existent sauce. This was my favorite pizza till last summer, but I guess I will have to find another.
Vicki A
March 26, 2010 at 2:38 pm
Several of us at work are always laughing at how often we ate CPK thin crust frozen pizza at home – and today I mentioned that I wasn’t wasting any more money on this pizza in the future, as it was terrible to me – and everyone chimed in together that they agreed. I googled and found this and am glad to see we aren’t alone in our displeasure at the changes to our once fav pizza at home…..sorry – CPK pizzas won’t be in our freezer any longer….they ‘were’ so good too!
Susan Prospere
March 26, 2010 at 2:41 pm
Alas, after all the furor, I think Kraft is keeping it status quo. There may be unwitting people who buy it without knowing it used to be good. The corporations and their profit motives seem to always win. I hope, however, it’s days are numbered or that it will change.
Dee Hammer
May 1, 2010 at 7:32 pm
HELP! For years I have been buying CPK’s regular crust (NOT thin crust!) for Garlic Chicken — regular size (not individual & not the largest one either). I was buying it at Pak & Save which has been torn down. They are a low budget Safeway. So now that I have to go to a regular Safeway, they do not have this specific kind. Which grocery store in my area still carries it? My zip code is 94087 in Sunnyvale, CA. Please advise as soon as possible–as I am having a lot of company. Thank you.
L.A. Fleming
May 3, 2010 at 6:29 am
I cannot seem to find the smaller size CPK pizza any longer. This was the size that was between the large size and the Pizza for One. I tried the Pizza for One thinking that it would be the same quality as the medium size pizza but it was pretty terrible. I also tried the large Five Cheese Thin Crust because I couldn’t find the thicker crust, and that too was terrible.
I am so disappointed because in my opinion, CPK frozen pizza was the best out there. I’m not going to waste my money any longer on their product…so sad.
Sheila Lovin
May 3, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Unfortunately ALL of the CPK frozen pizzas are terrible now. It’s a shame, that was the only brand I was loyal to until they changed (or should I say ‘cheapened’) their recipe. The one I have been buying lately is DiGiorno Crispy Flatbread Pizza – Italian Three Cheese, it’s quite good, not to mention that the sauce and cheese actually covers the entire pizza! What a concept! Too bad they still advertise their pizzas to look like they USED to look, not how they look now:
Susan Prospere
May 3, 2010 at 12:42 pm
I look everytime I go to the grocery store to see if I can detect any changes in the crust but sadly no change that I can discern. I think Kraft/CPK was just waiting for the furor to die down. Maybe people who never got it when it was good are buying it but I notice that it is sitting on the shelves longer in the freezer section at my store. It is truly horrible now. I threw out four or five that I had in my freezer when I realized it was inedible now.
Susan Prospere
May 3, 2010 at 1:10 pm
I agree. I loved the white pizza because there was no tomato, which can give me acid indigestion. I ate it for two years and lost 20 pounds on it. I have found no replacement and have regained weight! I’ve toyed with going to get take out from the CPK restaurant but am too furious at how they sold out a good product and made it the worst pizza ever.
May 3, 2010 at 6:14 pm
There is still hope everyone.. I’m confident there will be a change.. when or what is questionable. They told me they were actually going to send me some pizzas after they change them. I will surely keep you all posted.. Come on CPK/Nabisco get with it! 😉
Susan Prospere
May 3, 2010 at 6:20 pm
That’s the best news I’ve heard yet. They called me once but nothing happened. You must be even more of a crusader than I am. If we get anywhere, it will be a great day for my diet!
Nestle Spokesperson
May 18, 2010 at 11:06 am
I recently visited with the Nestle Pizza Team (formerly Kraft Pizza) and discussed all the comments posted here about the CPK pizza.
The good news: the team is very focused on product quality and pays close attention to consumer comments, including these! Sure enough, there was an equipment issue we were able to discern — and we’re working to make and test adjustments that will ensure consumers continue to enjoy their CPK pizzas. I would encourage all of you to keep the faith!
I refuse to buy in the meantime. Calorie count went from 270 to 300 when crust changed so I’ve been watching that. I don’t think it’s just the equipment. I’ve seen the same stamps on the bottom of the crust on other Kraft pizzas and they’re all terrible. Nothing like the original CPK thin crust.
Sheila Lovin
May 18, 2010 at 2:04 pm
My comments below are in reference to the recent post from the Nestle Spokesperson on May 18th. Let me understand something, an ‘equipment issue’ is to blame for the changes that all or most of us have experienced with CPK frozen pizzas??? One major change is the crust, it not only tastes different, the consistency is no longer thin and crispy. It is thicker and it falls apart after it bakes. I literally had 3 frozen pizzas crack and break in the oven back in Nov 2009 (post listed above). The other major differences are sauce and toppings, which used to cover the entire pizza all the way to the edge. Now it covers just enough in the center of the pizza and leaves a huge exposed crust about 2.5 to 3″ all the way around. So if you’re lucky enough to take a whole pizza out of the oven without breakage, you will have 1 or 2 bites with sauce and toppings, then it will be plain, terrible thicker crust from that point on. Faulty equipment is NOT to blame here. A complete change in recipe was done in order to save money, we’re not stupid. It’s happening to products everywhere, sad but true.
I absolutely agree. It’s the same crummy crust they use on everything and it tastes like a soggy cracker that breaks up. And I agree re the topping. Hardly anything on the pizza anymore. The whole thing is a travesty.
May 18, 2010 at 5:29 pm
A bit sad that the one “official”(??)comment mentions “an equipment issue”… Then goes to mention “we’re working to make and test adjustments”… Although it almost reads as these adjustments are to the “equipment” it might not be so. Maybe they are making adjustments to the actual pizza… Will be interesting to see if they actually send me some pizza’s per the phone call I had with some reps… If they do.. they better be good! Stay tuned for the next episode of, “As the Pizza turns”…
I have spoken with CPK also several times and they’ve assured me also that they’re working with whoever bought the frozen pizza division to resurrect the original product. If anyone hears anything about a new version, please do let us know. I miss eating it almost every night!!
Why don’t they just make the crust CPK used to make? I don’t think it takes much investigation to figure out how to solve the problem. It may cut down on their profits if they have to make something edible.
Suzanne Stauffer
August 2, 2010 at 2:32 pm
I bought 2 CPK pizzas this weekend, a white and a garlic chicken, and was horribly disappointed. Almost inedible. Extremely dry, very few toppings, hard rather than crispy crust. My husband ate all of his and finished mine — there’s very little he won’t eat — but did ask me not to buy again. I paid the extra for CPK because the last time I bought them — admittedly years ago — they were spectacular. These were no better than Tony’s.
Roger Ro
August 3, 2010 at 3:34 am
Yeah looks like they were “fibbing” to me when they said there will be changes back. It’s been 8 months CPK/NESTLE… Who on earth can be buying those crappy pizzas? I guess just first(and last)time buyers..
I just searched Nestle and CPK. Found this…
“By continuing to develop restaurant quality flavors available in your grocer’s freezer, CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN strives to bring you the best of our restaurant to your home. We know that you will discover from your first bite that this is truly a special recipe that you can only get from CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN. Enjoy!”
California Kitchen pizza Self Rising Crust BBQ Chicken is the best frozen pizza in the world and now all the Walmarts, Giants, Weis and everywhere does not sell it anymore. Is there any way to find where i can get some or if i can get some sent to a local store, order online or anything. Ill do anything to get some more of this pizza!!
Alyssa B.
August 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm
I have also been extremely disappointed with the “new” California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas. I have been e-mailing back and forth with the company for the past couple of months, and they continuously assure me that the pizza I want (the self-rising crust five cheese and tomato (WITHOUT tomato sauce), the smaller size that is between the large ones and the mini ones) is still being manufactured. I have looked in every grocery store in 5 different towns in 2 different states (KS and TX) and have not been able to find it for close to a year now. It was the best frozen pizza I had ever had and I miss it dearly. I would buy 4 or 5 at a time when they were on sale at Target. I tried the larger, “new” version and it was awful; not much cheese and it had tomato sauce, which the old one didn’t. All the company keeps telling me to do is get a “request form” from my grocery store asking them to carry the product, but they can’t do that if it doesn’t exist anymore.
October 12, 2010 at 10:48 pm
Brutal pizza. Can’t stand bald spots on a pizza and the California Pizza brand needs Minoxidil .99%. Really a big dissapointment. I’m sure some bean counter at Kraft, Nestle or General Mills or whoever makes this now thinks it’s great (premium price for Tortinos in a fancy box) Looks like cardboard with tiny cupcake sprinkles of cheese…yum…really hits the spot…unfortunatly not my spot. Hey, I’m not asking for a artery busting cheese extravaganza…just enough to make be feel OK about buying this piece of crap
October 19, 2010 at 2:49 pm
Wow–I am not a frozen pizza fan, but was willing to give these pies a try because of the reputation of the CPK brand as well as a recent coupon issued by the maker.
After reading the posts here you can bet I won’t be wasting my money. It sounds like CPK has turned into every other awful frozen pizza made out there.
Such a shame!
Roger Brodbeck
November 8, 2010 at 4:56 pm
What happened to the taste it had a few yrs ago?
and the crust sure has changed.I had been buying the chicken pizza for the past 2yrs and every time i bought one they just got worse. today is the last time i will ever buy cpk.. bye chk..a loyal consumer..
Susan Prospere
November 8, 2010 at 5:40 pm
It was sold to Kraft then Nestle’s or something like that and has been horrible ever since it was sold.
November 22, 2010 at 3:55 pm
Husband almost choked on a flexible piece of blue plastic found under the cheese of a Limited Edition Fire Roasted Vegetable and Five Cheese last night. Will never buy/eat CPK or Nestle again. Found out this morning that Nestle recalled almost 1 million Lean Cuisine in 2008 for the same reason! Also discovered that Nestle is now suing the SUPPLIER for the fiasco, so I am very confused and have a feeling the blue plastic had to have come from the Nestle facility in all cases. I called Nestle first thing this morning and they are merely sending a stamped envelope for me to send the plastic to their testing lab and they also want the bar codes from the package. Oh and they are also sending along a check for $25 for our “troubles” since I would not accept their offer of three free pizza coupons. I don’t think any amount of money will get me to eat their products again. I hope they are forced to recall as I would hate to think this would happen to someone else not as fortunate as we were.
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 4:02 pm
They sent me a coupon after I told them I’d never buy another pizza from them–so what good is the coupon?
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 4:26 pm
I am still so frustrated about this whole situation! I though I would forget about it in time but I still crave my 5 cheese and tomato CPK pizzas (the OLD ones) from time to time. I have told everybody I know about how awful the pizzas are now and have persuaded many not to purchase them. I used to rave about how tasty they were, so I know I am making a difference (if a slight one) in their profits (I have friends all over the country). What makes me the most upset, however, is how I (and other people, judging by all these comments) have been treated when complaining directly to CPK, Kraft, etc. These big companies must take us for fools. When I first complained, I was told that the recipe had NOT changed and that I should contact my local grocery stores to find out why they were not selling the size of the pizza I wanted (the one in-between the Pizza for One and Large sizes). Then we are told it’s an equipment problem. The 5 cheese and tomato used to not have pizza sauce on it; that’s how I liked it. It now has marinara sauce (and says so on the box), which is not how it used to be–and they tell me that it is because of an equipment problem? Yet it is listed as an ingredient on the box? Yeah right. I will continue to tell people not to buy this product until they stop lying and change their product back.
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 4:29 pm
I still miss the white pizza with spinach. I try to buy directly from the restaurant now occasionally but it’s not as good as the frozen one USED to be. I have gotten the same runaround. I think they still sell to one-time buyers. I can’t believe anyone would ever buy a second one. There is no regard for the consumer at all.
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 4:42 pm
Susan, I agree. I do enjoy the restaurant, but the 5 cheese and tomato there is definitely different from the frozen one that I used to get, so I don’t even like to compare them as the same pizza. It is also much more expensive (also have to include tip and a beverage, as I like to get the hand-made lemonades there), and I can’t afford to eat out that frequently. The frozen pizza was within my price range, and the leftovers heated up fairly decently for frozen pizza, so even the in-between size that I used to get could make 2 meals for me. I am not sure how else to make myself heard; I have sent multiple e-mails to the point where the California Pizza Kitchen reps merely stopped responding to me because, seemingly, they knew I was on to them (the last e-mail I got said that they were still manufacturing my pizza and the 8+ grocery stores I tried in 3 different states simply must not carry the product I want).
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 4:47 pm
I can’t pay the CPK restaurant regularly either. I’m the one on this site who actually ate the same pizza (a whole one!) almost every night for two years. I was horrified when it changed. CPK even called me once from CA claiming they were bringing the old crust back. I don’t know what their connection is with Nestle’s/Kraft (whichever is owner now) but I would think they wouldn’t want their name on this product.
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 4:54 pm
When they were on sale, I would buy up to 5 at a time (that’s the most that would fit in my freezer, haha). I ate on average 2 a week I’d say. I still haven’t found a replacement. I’m on hold with Nestle right now (they transfered me to the beverage department…ummmm?) to see if they will tell me anything at all.
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 4:59 pm
I had to throw about 10 boxes out.
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 5:08 pm
I hear you! We threw out the last 4 that we purchased, after cooking them all individually and trying different tactics (and even different ovens until we finally realized it was just the pizza). Just got off the phone with a CPK Nestle rep who listened to everything I said and seemed to take mer seriously, but I know one single voice doesn’t go far when it comes to big business.
November 22, 2010 at 5:10 pm
When I accepted the $25 consolation check instead of the free pizza coupons, I almost detected an attitude change in the Nestle CSR’s voice – as if I was just after the money all along. That was pretty disappointing, as she seemed apologetic and understanding up until that moment. I felt “cheap” for accepting the offer, when I was just trying to alert them of a potentially life-threatening problem with one of their products.
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 5:25 pm
Are there any other websites that anyone is aware of where I can post to show my dissatisfaction?
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 5:32 pm
CPK has a facebook page
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 5:34 pm
I’ve posted on their facebook page twice but have yet to receive a response.
Susan Prospere
November 22, 2010 at 5:40 pm
I’m not very computer savvy. Is there a way to do a blog that anyone would read that would warn people about the pizzas?
Alyssa B.
November 22, 2010 at 6:54 pm
Only if you had a blog that people already read, haha.
Deborah (Nestle Pizza)
December 1, 2010 at 6:42 pm
I have to say that we really appreciate your passion about CPK frozen pizza! And we’re SO sorry that the folks on this page have not had enjoyable experiences with some of their CPK pizza purchases. At Nestle Pizza, our customer is always our top priority and we really want to create products that you will buy, love and recommend to your friends and family. Please know that we DO take all of your consumer feedback very seriously and are continuously working to improve and innovate our products to make them better. The most direct way to contact us with a comment, concern or if you have a question is to call our CPK consumer hotline at 888-749-9201. Our representatives there will do their best to answer your questions or resolve any issue you may have. They also continuously pass your feedback to our brand, quality and manufacturing teams so that we can improve product quality in real time. That’s because we’re pizza lovers, too, and we want to make pizzas that we’re proud to buy and serve to our own families.
Again, apologies to all who have not been happy with their CPK purchases. Please do reach out to our consumer hotline. For those of you who mentioned that you are looking for a CPK pizza with a different kind of crust, I would hope that you might give our new crust a try. CPK recently launched several varieties of Original Restaurant Style Crust pizza. This crust type most closely resembles the most popular crust type sold at CPK restaurants.
Once again, I hope you know that we really do appreciate all your feedback. Our aim is to continually improve our products with the hope that we will delight you the next time you try CPK.
Susan Prospere
December 1, 2010 at 6:50 pm
I suggested to someone from the company who called me from California that the box should say “original crust” if we could ever get it back; unfortunately, I haven’t seen it in any of the grocery stores in Houston. I will keep my eyes open because I would buy it all the time again if it’s as good as before. As it stands now, if I want anything close to the “original” frozen pizza, I have to order from the restaurant and it’s three times as much money as the frozen pizza to get a thin crust pizza and it’s not as good as the frozen used to be!
Deborah (Nestle Pizza)
December 1, 2010 at 6:55 pm
Hi Susan: The new Original Restaurant Style Crust variety does have those exact words on the box. It literally just launched, so it should be hitting freezer cases in Houston very soon. Again, we really do appreciate your willingness to give CPK another try. Thanks again!
Susan Prospere
December 1, 2010 at 7:01 pm
I will definitely be on the lookout. I hope they are still making the white pizza with the spinach and no tomato sauce.
Very interesting that DiGiorno is also a KRAFT product. I love the fact that Roger Ro included a link to photos, so I am doing to same. I took these photos in mid November; they were probably purchased a month or two before that because I used to buy 20 at a time when they went on sale. We have a big freezer, so I used to stock up. Not any more! These photos actually show two different pizzas; at the time I figured there’d been a problem on the production line, but I now realize this is their new recipe. This is Kraft’s idea of quality.
Sorry, I think my link wasn’t right. Here’s a link to just one photo, I hope!
Okay! I started a group on facebook. If you are facebookers, just do a search for “Bring Back Original Recipe California Pizza Kitchen Frozen Pizza.” Please join! I also posted a comment on CPK’s facebook page, as others in this group have done. Let’s make a ruckus!
California thin crust frozen pizza was a great product.
Then they changed the crust from a very thin chewy recipe
to a thicker more crumlby kind – horrible.
Hi again all.. Just want to mention that I’ve been directly contacted by CPK and Kraft. Everyone should know that they do understand there is a problem with the CPK thin crust pizza. They indicated that there WAS a change to the pizza and they want to bring the pizza back to the same level it was before. It was a general conversation, so I don’t have details of what they will do or the timing. Seems a bit strange that a Rep from CPK doesn’t post directly here and on Facebook to fill us in. Anyway.. A little frozen pizza doesn’t really matter much in the scheme of things. I think they will be contacting me again, so will post more as I know it. Hope everyone has been able to contribute to the relief efforts for Haiti. Pizza’s aren’t so important.. Peace.. 🙂
Michelle at CPK says Kraft will call me. They keep saying they will change back but I can get no real confirmation, i.e., when, how, etc. I know it’s a small thing but with OCD, I ate them almost every night after I had chemo for about two years. I agree about perspective, however. It’s just a diversion. Don’t forget the animals in Haiti also. There are relief efforts for animals as well.
Well, I am glad to find out that it is not me. A recent purchase was just plain BAD, so I chalked it up to a bad batch, but subsequent pizzas were worse, less cheese – tasteless crust -non existent sauce. This was my favorite pizza till last summer, but I guess I will have to find another.
Several of us at work are always laughing at how often we ate CPK thin crust frozen pizza at home – and today I mentioned that I wasn’t wasting any more money on this pizza in the future, as it was terrible to me – and everyone chimed in together that they agreed. I googled and found this and am glad to see we aren’t alone in our displeasure at the changes to our once fav pizza at home…..sorry – CPK pizzas won’t be in our freezer any longer….they ‘were’ so good too!
Alas, after all the furor, I think Kraft is keeping it status quo. There may be unwitting people who buy it without knowing it used to be good. The corporations and their profit motives seem to always win. I hope, however, it’s days are numbered or that it will change.
HELP! For years I have been buying CPK’s regular crust (NOT thin crust!) for Garlic Chicken — regular size (not individual & not the largest one either). I was buying it at Pak & Save which has been torn down. They are a low budget Safeway. So now that I have to go to a regular Safeway, they do not have this specific kind. Which grocery store in my area still carries it? My zip code is 94087 in Sunnyvale, CA. Please advise as soon as possible–as I am having a lot of company. Thank you.
I cannot seem to find the smaller size CPK pizza any longer. This was the size that was between the large size and the Pizza for One. I tried the Pizza for One thinking that it would be the same quality as the medium size pizza but it was pretty terrible. I also tried the large Five Cheese Thin Crust because I couldn’t find the thicker crust, and that too was terrible.
I am so disappointed because in my opinion, CPK frozen pizza was the best out there. I’m not going to waste my money any longer on their product…so sad.
Unfortunately ALL of the CPK frozen pizzas are terrible now. It’s a shame, that was the only brand I was loyal to until they changed (or should I say ‘cheapened’) their recipe. The one I have been buying lately is DiGiorno Crispy Flatbread Pizza – Italian Three Cheese, it’s quite good, not to mention that the sauce and cheese actually covers the entire pizza! What a concept! Too bad they still advertise their pizzas to look like they USED to look, not how they look now:
I look everytime I go to the grocery store to see if I can detect any changes in the crust but sadly no change that I can discern. I think Kraft/CPK was just waiting for the furor to die down. Maybe people who never got it when it was good are buying it but I notice that it is sitting on the shelves longer in the freezer section at my store. It is truly horrible now. I threw out four or five that I had in my freezer when I realized it was inedible now.
I agree. I loved the white pizza because there was no tomato, which can give me acid indigestion. I ate it for two years and lost 20 pounds on it. I have found no replacement and have regained weight! I’ve toyed with going to get take out from the CPK restaurant but am too furious at how they sold out a good product and made it the worst pizza ever.
There is still hope everyone.. I’m confident there will be a change.. when or what is questionable. They told me they were actually going to send me some pizzas after they change them. I will surely keep you all posted.. Come on CPK/Nabisco get with it! 😉
That’s the best news I’ve heard yet. They called me once but nothing happened. You must be even more of a crusader than I am. If we get anywhere, it will be a great day for my diet!
I recently visited with the Nestle Pizza Team (formerly Kraft Pizza) and discussed all the comments posted here about the CPK pizza.
The good news: the team is very focused on product quality and pays close attention to consumer comments, including these! Sure enough, there was an equipment issue we were able to discern — and we’re working to make and test adjustments that will ensure consumers continue to enjoy their CPK pizzas. I would encourage all of you to keep the faith!
I refuse to buy in the meantime. Calorie count went from 270 to 300 when crust changed so I’ve been watching that. I don’t think it’s just the equipment. I’ve seen the same stamps on the bottom of the crust on other Kraft pizzas and they’re all terrible. Nothing like the original CPK thin crust.
My comments below are in reference to the recent post from the Nestle Spokesperson on May 18th. Let me understand something, an ‘equipment issue’ is to blame for the changes that all or most of us have experienced with CPK frozen pizzas??? One major change is the crust, it not only tastes different, the consistency is no longer thin and crispy. It is thicker and it falls apart after it bakes. I literally had 3 frozen pizzas crack and break in the oven back in Nov 2009 (post listed above). The other major differences are sauce and toppings, which used to cover the entire pizza all the way to the edge. Now it covers just enough in the center of the pizza and leaves a huge exposed crust about 2.5 to 3″ all the way around. So if you’re lucky enough to take a whole pizza out of the oven without breakage, you will have 1 or 2 bites with sauce and toppings, then it will be plain, terrible thicker crust from that point on. Faulty equipment is NOT to blame here. A complete change in recipe was done in order to save money, we’re not stupid. It’s happening to products everywhere, sad but true.
I absolutely agree. It’s the same crummy crust they use on everything and it tastes like a soggy cracker that breaks up. And I agree re the topping. Hardly anything on the pizza anymore. The whole thing is a travesty.
A bit sad that the one “official”(??)comment mentions “an equipment issue”… Then goes to mention “we’re working to make and test adjustments”… Although it almost reads as these adjustments are to the “equipment” it might not be so. Maybe they are making adjustments to the actual pizza… Will be interesting to see if they actually send me some pizza’s per the phone call I had with some reps… If they do.. they better be good! Stay tuned for the next episode of, “As the Pizza turns”…
I have spoken with CPK also several times and they’ve assured me also that they’re working with whoever bought the frozen pizza division to resurrect the original product. If anyone hears anything about a new version, please do let us know. I miss eating it almost every night!!
Why don’t they just make the crust CPK used to make? I don’t think it takes much investigation to figure out how to solve the problem. It may cut down on their profits if they have to make something edible.
I bought 2 CPK pizzas this weekend, a white and a garlic chicken, and was horribly disappointed. Almost inedible. Extremely dry, very few toppings, hard rather than crispy crust. My husband ate all of his and finished mine — there’s very little he won’t eat — but did ask me not to buy again. I paid the extra for CPK because the last time I bought them — admittedly years ago — they were spectacular. These were no better than Tony’s.
Yeah looks like they were “fibbing” to me when they said there will be changes back. It’s been 8 months CPK/NESTLE… Who on earth can be buying those crappy pizzas? I guess just first(and last)time buyers..
I just searched Nestle and CPK. Found this…
“By continuing to develop restaurant quality flavors available in your grocer’s freezer, CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN strives to bring you the best of our restaurant to your home. We know that you will discover from your first bite that this is truly a special recipe that you can only get from CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN. Enjoy!”
What an absolute JOKE!!! hahahahahahhahahaha
California Kitchen pizza Self Rising Crust BBQ Chicken is the best frozen pizza in the world and now all the Walmarts, Giants, Weis and everywhere does not sell it anymore. Is there any way to find where i can get some or if i can get some sent to a local store, order online or anything. Ill do anything to get some more of this pizza!!
I have also been extremely disappointed with the “new” California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas. I have been e-mailing back and forth with the company for the past couple of months, and they continuously assure me that the pizza I want (the self-rising crust five cheese and tomato (WITHOUT tomato sauce), the smaller size that is between the large ones and the mini ones) is still being manufactured. I have looked in every grocery store in 5 different towns in 2 different states (KS and TX) and have not been able to find it for close to a year now. It was the best frozen pizza I had ever had and I miss it dearly. I would buy 4 or 5 at a time when they were on sale at Target. I tried the larger, “new” version and it was awful; not much cheese and it had tomato sauce, which the old one didn’t. All the company keeps telling me to do is get a “request form” from my grocery store asking them to carry the product, but they can’t do that if it doesn’t exist anymore.
Brutal pizza. Can’t stand bald spots on a pizza and the California Pizza brand needs Minoxidil .99%. Really a big dissapointment. I’m sure some bean counter at Kraft, Nestle or General Mills or whoever makes this now thinks it’s great (premium price for Tortinos in a fancy box) Looks like cardboard with tiny cupcake sprinkles of cheese…yum…really hits the spot…unfortunatly not my spot. Hey, I’m not asking for a artery busting cheese extravaganza…just enough to make be feel OK about buying this piece of crap
Wow–I am not a frozen pizza fan, but was willing to give these pies a try because of the reputation of the CPK brand as well as a recent coupon issued by the maker.
After reading the posts here you can bet I won’t be wasting my money. It sounds like CPK has turned into every other awful frozen pizza made out there.
Such a shame!
What happened to the taste it had a few yrs ago?
and the crust sure has changed.I had been buying the chicken pizza for the past 2yrs and every time i bought one they just got worse. today is the last time i will ever buy cpk.. bye chk..a loyal consumer..
It was sold to Kraft then Nestle’s or something like that and has been horrible ever since it was sold.
Husband almost choked on a flexible piece of blue plastic found under the cheese of a Limited Edition Fire Roasted Vegetable and Five Cheese last night. Will never buy/eat CPK or Nestle again. Found out this morning that Nestle recalled almost 1 million Lean Cuisine in 2008 for the same reason! Also discovered that Nestle is now suing the SUPPLIER for the fiasco, so I am very confused and have a feeling the blue plastic had to have come from the Nestle facility in all cases. I called Nestle first thing this morning and they are merely sending a stamped envelope for me to send the plastic to their testing lab and they also want the bar codes from the package. Oh and they are also sending along a check for $25 for our “troubles” since I would not accept their offer of three free pizza coupons. I don’t think any amount of money will get me to eat their products again. I hope they are forced to recall as I would hate to think this would happen to someone else not as fortunate as we were.
They sent me a coupon after I told them I’d never buy another pizza from them–so what good is the coupon?
I am still so frustrated about this whole situation! I though I would forget about it in time but I still crave my 5 cheese and tomato CPK pizzas (the OLD ones) from time to time. I have told everybody I know about how awful the pizzas are now and have persuaded many not to purchase them. I used to rave about how tasty they were, so I know I am making a difference (if a slight one) in their profits (I have friends all over the country). What makes me the most upset, however, is how I (and other people, judging by all these comments) have been treated when complaining directly to CPK, Kraft, etc. These big companies must take us for fools. When I first complained, I was told that the recipe had NOT changed and that I should contact my local grocery stores to find out why they were not selling the size of the pizza I wanted (the one in-between the Pizza for One and Large sizes). Then we are told it’s an equipment problem. The 5 cheese and tomato used to not have pizza sauce on it; that’s how I liked it. It now has marinara sauce (and says so on the box), which is not how it used to be–and they tell me that it is because of an equipment problem? Yet it is listed as an ingredient on the box? Yeah right. I will continue to tell people not to buy this product until they stop lying and change their product back.
I still miss the white pizza with spinach. I try to buy directly from the restaurant now occasionally but it’s not as good as the frozen one USED to be. I have gotten the same runaround. I think they still sell to one-time buyers. I can’t believe anyone would ever buy a second one. There is no regard for the consumer at all.
Susan, I agree. I do enjoy the restaurant, but the 5 cheese and tomato there is definitely different from the frozen one that I used to get, so I don’t even like to compare them as the same pizza. It is also much more expensive (also have to include tip and a beverage, as I like to get the hand-made lemonades there), and I can’t afford to eat out that frequently. The frozen pizza was within my price range, and the leftovers heated up fairly decently for frozen pizza, so even the in-between size that I used to get could make 2 meals for me. I am not sure how else to make myself heard; I have sent multiple e-mails to the point where the California Pizza Kitchen reps merely stopped responding to me because, seemingly, they knew I was on to them (the last e-mail I got said that they were still manufacturing my pizza and the 8+ grocery stores I tried in 3 different states simply must not carry the product I want).
I can’t pay the CPK restaurant regularly either. I’m the one on this site who actually ate the same pizza (a whole one!) almost every night for two years. I was horrified when it changed. CPK even called me once from CA claiming they were bringing the old crust back. I don’t know what their connection is with Nestle’s/Kraft (whichever is owner now) but I would think they wouldn’t want their name on this product.
When they were on sale, I would buy up to 5 at a time (that’s the most that would fit in my freezer, haha). I ate on average 2 a week I’d say. I still haven’t found a replacement. I’m on hold with Nestle right now (they transfered me to the beverage department…ummmm?) to see if they will tell me anything at all.
I had to throw about 10 boxes out.
I hear you! We threw out the last 4 that we purchased, after cooking them all individually and trying different tactics (and even different ovens until we finally realized it was just the pizza). Just got off the phone with a CPK Nestle rep who listened to everything I said and seemed to take mer seriously, but I know one single voice doesn’t go far when it comes to big business.
When I accepted the $25 consolation check instead of the free pizza coupons, I almost detected an attitude change in the Nestle CSR’s voice – as if I was just after the money all along. That was pretty disappointing, as she seemed apologetic and understanding up until that moment. I felt “cheap” for accepting the offer, when I was just trying to alert them of a potentially life-threatening problem with one of their products.
Are there any other websites that anyone is aware of where I can post to show my dissatisfaction?
CPK has a facebook page
I’ve posted on their facebook page twice but have yet to receive a response.
I’m not very computer savvy. Is there a way to do a blog that anyone would read that would warn people about the pizzas?
Only if you had a blog that people already read, haha.
I have to say that we really appreciate your passion about CPK frozen pizza! And we’re SO sorry that the folks on this page have not had enjoyable experiences with some of their CPK pizza purchases. At Nestle Pizza, our customer is always our top priority and we really want to create products that you will buy, love and recommend to your friends and family. Please know that we DO take all of your consumer feedback very seriously and are continuously working to improve and innovate our products to make them better. The most direct way to contact us with a comment, concern or if you have a question is to call our CPK consumer hotline at 888-749-9201. Our representatives there will do their best to answer your questions or resolve any issue you may have. They also continuously pass your feedback to our brand, quality and manufacturing teams so that we can improve product quality in real time. That’s because we’re pizza lovers, too, and we want to make pizzas that we’re proud to buy and serve to our own families.
Again, apologies to all who have not been happy with their CPK purchases. Please do reach out to our consumer hotline. For those of you who mentioned that you are looking for a CPK pizza with a different kind of crust, I would hope that you might give our new crust a try. CPK recently launched several varieties of Original Restaurant Style Crust pizza. This crust type most closely resembles the most popular crust type sold at CPK restaurants.
Once again, I hope you know that we really do appreciate all your feedback. Our aim is to continually improve our products with the hope that we will delight you the next time you try CPK.
I suggested to someone from the company who called me from California that the box should say “original crust” if we could ever get it back; unfortunately, I haven’t seen it in any of the grocery stores in Houston. I will keep my eyes open because I would buy it all the time again if it’s as good as before. As it stands now, if I want anything close to the “original” frozen pizza, I have to order from the restaurant and it’s three times as much money as the frozen pizza to get a thin crust pizza and it’s not as good as the frozen used to be!
Hi Susan: The new Original Restaurant Style Crust variety does have those exact words on the box. It literally just launched, so it should be hitting freezer cases in Houston very soon. Again, we really do appreciate your willingness to give CPK another try. Thanks again!
I will definitely be on the lookout. I hope they are still making the white pizza with the spinach and no tomato sauce.