Campbell’s has reformulated their entire Select Harvest line of soups while introducing these five new Mediterranean-style varieties. These soups are now 100 percent all-natural, defined by the USDA as foods without artificial flavors, color preservatives or synthetic ingredients. The five new Select Harvest Mediterranean soups serve up between 80 and 120 calories, 0.5 to 3 grams fat (with no trans fats), 480 milligrams sodium and 2 to 4 grams fiber per cupful.
Campbell’s Select Harvest Mediterranean Style Soups
By Eric from|2017-08-31T14:01:27-04:00December 15th, 2009|Food & Drinks, xyz misc|3 Comments
Terribly salty. I had the Zesty Tomato Bisque today and I almost threw it in the garbage. Every one of these Campbell’s Select Harvest soups has been disgustingly salty. I will definitely NOT buy these again.
We tried the Italion wedding soup and found it to be just delightful. Our compliments to you! We will recommend your soup to our friends. THANKS….. Joe
The Minestrone with whole wheat pasta is so delicious…It is possibly the best Minestrone I have ever had!