We’ve been receiving questions about Trader Joe’s products from our viewers. Since we don’t yet have a discussion board or open forum, I decided to post these as a TidBite, so that you — our Bite of the Best family — may comment. If you can assist any of these folks or want to add something to the discussion, please do so.

Dave L wrote:

“Would like to find out if anyone has found a replacement for Trader Joe’s “Red Mexican Sauce” since Trader’s decided to stop carrying it, or if it’s being sold under a different label somewhere ???A great tasting red sauce, too bad they stopped carrying it… Anyone know who makes T.J. labeled sauces ???

Deana wrote to promote her cookbook:

“Love Trader Joe’s? So do we! In fact, we’re such big fans that we wrote a cookbook about Trader Joe’s! We’re the authors of ‘Cooking with All Things Trader Joe’s,’ the new independent cookbook for Trader Joe’s junkies and people just too busy to cook. Anyone can cook like a chef and do it every night of the week, with meals ready in minutes. We say so! The trick is to use all those unique sauces, mixtures, and prepped ingredients at Trader Joe’s to create great meals in a fraction of the time it would take to do it all from scratch.

The cookbook is available at all bookstores, including Borders, Barnes & Noble,and Amazon (and of course our web site) http://www.cookingwithtraderjoes.com”

Mary P — a former TJ employee wrote:

“I moved to town of 3000 pop. in Wa. this past spring and there is not Trader Joe’s within 200 miles from this town. Can I Order some of my favorite products on line – like olive oil, Jo Joe’s, cereals, and other canned and packaged goods?

Thanks Mary (a former employee)please respond asap I need my goodies.”

Dave wrote:

“A few years ago Trader Joe’s had a fantastic Mexican Red Sauce that they were selling, then suddenly stopped selling, many customers have asked TJ’s why we can’t get it anymore they say it was a slow seller, maybe that’s why they used to run out of it all the time…

Any idea who manufacture’s this sauce, or where to buy it??? TJ had their own label on the jar...”