Stonyfield Farms B-Healthy and B-Well yogurt offer essential B vitamins which regenerate the body’s cells in unique a combination of health-supporting organic ingredients and fruit flavors:
B-Healthy provides a source of omega-3 fatty acids. One serving offers 32 mg of EPA and DHA, an omega-3 combination that may lower the risk of chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, arthritis), reduces inflammation, lowers triglycerides (fat), and improves blood pressure. One serving delivers 20 percent of the recommended daily value of omega-3 (160 mg./day). The B-Healthy variety is available in a Strawberry Acai flavor.
B-Well features a Berry Harvest fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt made from cranberry, blueberry and raspberry. It contains three immunity enhancers – Vitamin B6, live probiotic cultures, and vitamin D. Vitamin D also helps to maintain Calcium balance
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